Catherine M. White
As a Franklin County attorney, I am committed to helping families and individuals who are facing difficult legal challenges in the realm of Family Law. I practice in the areas of Divorce and Custody. My name is Catherine M. White and I have been an Attorney for over 20 years. I have been married to my Husband for over thirty years and we have five beautiful children who have grown into wonderful young adults. This should tell you how important family values are to me.
If you are reading this, thank you. It is good for you to know the Attorney you are dealing with. As a lawyer, it is very important that I know you too. I do not like nonsense; so while I absolutely love what I do, (which is helping you), I do not like the antics that, at times, come with it. Sometimes they arise from the opposing party, the opposing counsel, and / or maybe even yourself.
I must know that your expectations are realistic. I do not want to be that lawyer who takes your money and fights for something that isn’t going to occur. For instance, imagine a scenario where a mother / father is very angry with the other parent. Mom or dad calls the attorney and says “he / she is not seeing these children; I want sole legal custody.” I will ask, why? I will then inquire when the other parent was last with the children. Imagine if I am told, “he / she is always with the kids; he / she is a great parent, but I am leaving this state and I am taking my kids with me.” I will ask, what part of that is in the children’s best interest? Long story short, I do not want that client. I do not want clients who do not act in their children’s best interest; and that is within my control.
What is not in my control however is, at times, the games played by opposing parties, often to delay, harass, or drown you financially. I would like to share a couple examples. When you are in the process of obtaining a divorce in Ohio, you are in a Court of Equity. Equity means fair. For instance, I know you do not want to divide your marital assets; however, absent a real good reason not to, they will be divided equally, and if not equally, then equitably. Unfortunately, I cannot stop the assault that may come at us to do everything but that; but I will protect you.
Think about this scenario, in the family courts, we sometimes see protection orders that serve no purpose other than obtaining leverage over the other parent in a custody battle. Many protection orders must be granted; and we must protect those who are realistically in danger; however, not all. I do not want to represent you if you want a protection order simply to gain a custodial advantage. I do want to represent you if you need that protection order. I also want to represent you if you are the recipient of the unfair filing or granting of a protection order.
It is very frustrating to deal with the games that are played by those whose emotions have gone awry; but then I remember what a wise woman once told me – “isn’t that why you are a lawyer; isn’t this when your client needs you the most.” I am here to help you. I often tell my clients my role is sort of like picking you up and carrying you through what is possibly the most difficult of circumstances you may ever face. That’s alright, we get through this together. Truthfully, I don’t know how each of you make it to the other side; but you do.
One last thing, I charge a $100.00 fee for our initial consultation. There are some attorneys who do consults for free; I don’t. My time and advice is what you pay for. Further, I want to be your last stop; not a knee jerk reaction when you have a fight with your spouse. Peace and love to you; I hope this tells you a little bit about me. -- catherine
My Qualifications
It is an honor to have the ability to represent individuals with their legal issues. I practice in the area of family law, which includes divorce, dissolution, and custody.
Bar Admissions
- Ohio
- Capital University Law School, Columbus, Ohio
- J.D. – 2000
- Honors: Order of the Curia
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
- B.S.
- Major: Political Science
Professional Associations and Memberships
- Central Ohio Association of Juvenile Lawyers
- Member of Ohio State Bar Association
- Member of the Columbus Bar Association
Contact Me Today
If you are in need of a consultation with me, please contact me today. --catherine