Franklin County Grandparent Custody Attorney
According to ‘Coresident Grandparents and Their Grandchildren: 2012’, a report issued by the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately seven million grandparents, or 10 percent of all grandparents in the country lived with at least one of their grandchildren.
This marked a three percent rise from 1992 when seven percent of grandparents reported living with at least one grandchild. The grandparent maintained more than half of these households, and approximately 39 percent of grandparent caregivers cared for their grandchildren for at least five years. Some experts attribute this rise in part to increased life expectancy, a growing number of single-parent families, and households where both parents are employed full-time.
Contact my law office today to learn more about your legal options for grandparent custody in Franklin County, Ohio. Call (614) 426-8720.
Are You Looking to Establish Custody as a Grandparent in Ohio?
Another growing issue that affects families in Ohio more than most other states in the nation is the nationwide opioid epidemic. Thousands of parents are killed every year because of this crisis, and countless more may not be in a position to safely or adequately look after their children.
If you are looking to secure custody of your grandchildren because of this issue, or for any other reason, there are a number of things you will need to prove to the court in Franklin County. The first thing you will need to prove is that both of your grandchildren’s parents are unfit to care for them. You will also need to prove that it is in the best interests of your grandchildren to name you as their primary caregiver.
Protecting Your Rights as a Grandparent
As a grandparent, you play an important role in the lives of your grandchildren. However, there may be situations where you need to establish custody or visitation rights to ensure that you can continue to be a part of their lives. Our experienced Franklin County grandparent custody lawyer understands the complexities of grandparent custody cases and can help you navigate the legal process.
Some reasons why you may need to establish custody as a grandparent include:
- Parental incapacity or instability
- Parental incarceration
- Child abuse or neglect
- Parental relocation
- Death of a parent
Don't hesitate to reach out to us for legal guidance and support in protecting your rights as a grandparent. We are here to advocate for you and your grandchildren every step of the way.
Hire a Franklin County Custody Lawyer You Can Trust
If you are planning to, or are currently seeking custody of your grandchildren, the most important thing you can do is hire an experienced Franklin County family law attorney you can count on. Catherine M. White has spent nearly 20 years working with families across Franklin County to help them fight for and secure the outcome they need. I will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are put in the best position possible throughout your custody case and that you understand every part of the process.
Give my law office a call at (614) 426-8720 or contact us online today to speak with me about your rights as a grandparent.

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